Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

golden september in -MOROCCO-

The september...yes, for surfing it can be an amazing month...and I really love to spend it in morocco.
Endless coastlines, first swells rolling in, not so crowded, still very warm water and the spirit of moroccan people make this month the golden one of the year! 
For me...

We gave a try to discover some spots and places without the car in traditional ways.
Slowly, but why stress!? 
Enjoying nature, waves and a little wilderness. 
Great opportunity and we will repeat this. But next time with tent and tarjin in April...incha allae.

If your boyfriend was used to live and work 7 years with Dromedar and know every part of the coastline...
no reason to wait for surfaries ;-)

The beginning of this september started with soft and small waves. Best what could happen to me, after 3 month without paddeling.
And in focus on my september girls well better without big waves.

After one year all together living in morocco, it is kind of routine to visit the port and markets of Essaouira for daily fruits and verggies...
But for my girls, I do a special excurse.

With it´s university it gives a very individiual and alternitiv touch. Lot´s of musicians and artist to find here. And all kinds of foods, spieces, bars, clothes. 
If city in´s Essaouira.

Surprisingly we got visit during our trip to the waterfalls...
Seems like there was a crowd very thirsty.
And this man with a happy heart between old known friends.

For me it was more a very strange feeling, because this dudes are very high and I do know nothing about them. But the stayed quit and friendly.

Well, always thinking is not healthy...but if two systems in different heads have to come together...say you people...
little bit of work!

Always try to be relaxed!

Breakfasts on the rooftop and checking conditions...
 Only a present!

Little lesson with little big swell ;-)

Also little challenging to me after staying away from waves whole summer for my visit in germany.
But immediatly it gave me back the energies, I was missing so much.

Always pay attention obout my students, I enjoyed so much to give surf lesson again and play in the ocean.

Local impressions...everydays views.

car sharing in different ways

wallpaintings, typical all allover in morocco

taxi rides

Many possible windsurf days during this september.
But me was travelling without my own gear and to rent every day my budget was too small.
Anyway, two times I had to join the wind in Sidi Kaouki. :-) 

Crazy dust. Surfing in this conditions was not possible. So I took the situation to go for a run. 
Not my favorit kind of activity but additional training for the body became nessesary.

The last two weeks I was trippin`down further south to look for nice surf conditions.
And get to know more about that part of the costline.

Finally reached my most loved surf area and oldes surf dude I know from morocco.
Visiting his shop is always a big adventure to me. Old and new board shapes coming together at this place and I can listen to stories about moroccan ocean and the way of board shaping and it´s movement.

Antique boards and broken ones waiting to become a new again.

His small library, collected from all over.

Got my longest waves at this spot. Best surfing days during my visit.

This day of working was a present to me!
While staying outside, watching the nice waves but holding the cam for video and photoanalysis, some Orcas passing by behind the line up.

Close to the reef they travelling in the smaller bay to check their chill out area, as I got to know later from some local surfers and fisherman.

Big bay

small bay

veggie lunch power between the sessions

 waves all day long

Family visit, was a pleasure to me!

Again, I had great times in morocco with new experiences and surfed a lot ;-)  

Back in December - incha allahe